Tanpa kita sadari semakin lama umur windows dan juga dengan semakin banyaknya aplikasi atau games yang terinstal di pc atau laptop kita, maka kecepatan windows yang terinstal menjadi semakin lambat bukan? Bahkan mungkin anda sering merasa jengkel dengan windows yang semakin lemot dari waktu ke waktu. Nah dengan menginstal software JetDrive Pro Retail ini, maka anda akan kembali merasakan kecepatan windows seperti pertama kali diinstal. Aplikasi ini dapat bekerja dengan efektif untuk menghilangkan file-file sementara yang tidak diperlukan dan mengoptimalkan sistem registry di laptop kita dengan cara yang aman.
Fiture Jet Drive
1. Harddisk-Turbo: JetDriveDo you still remember the feeling when you bought your PC and everything everything ran so quickly? When applications opened almost instantly? With JetDrive you can regain this lost speed.
2. Defragmentation
There is a physical reason why your PC slows down with time. The arrangement of files on your hard drive becomes more and more chaotic, and individual files may be broken into many small parts over the entire drive, resulting in fragmentation. The outcome is a slowing down of your system, as the hard drive reads and merges these separate fragments every time you open a file. JetDrive defragments your drive and restores it to an optimal state.
3. Defragments your RAM
Also defragments your Registry because of our special registry defragmentation algorithm.
Checks for harddrive errors
JetDrive recognizes errors in your hard drives, and can even detect and fix errors automatically if you prefer.
4. Detailed Reports
JetDrive creates detailed reports of your hard drive defragmentastion process. It displays the current state in an easy to read 3D view and summarizes all operations.
Link Download :
[-] BoostFiles :JetDrive 9 Pro Retail (2 Mb)
[-] ZippyShare :JetDrive 9 Pro Retail (2 Mb)
[-] MirrorCreator :JetDrive 9 Pro Retail (2 Mb)
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